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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default why do recipes seem to call for chickpeas?

On Wed, 16 Jul 2014 18:52:35 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

> On 2014-07-16 6:41 PM, sf wrote:
> > Terrific, thanks! If I don't use white beans or lentils, I'll
> > probably use pintos. I liked the idea of including broccoli because
> > one of my grandchildren likes it so much - but she also has a contact
> > allergy to chickpeas (which is my least favorite, so no problem - I'll
> > figure out a different bean).
> >

> I have to say.... it surprises me that people hate chick peas. I don't
> think of them as having any sort of offensive taste or texture.... to
> me. I guess that rules out hummus are falafel for you.

Actually, those are the two ways I enjoy them. I think whole
chickpeas are mealy and dry. I want my beans creamy inside not mealy.
I don't cook them, I just eat them and that's what I think. Haven't
met a whole chickpea that I liked yet... and no, I won't ever be
cooking them myself. In any case, this isn't about me. The
alternative are for someone who *can't* eat them, not for me (the one
who won't eat them).
> If I am at a salad bar I will often take a pass on the lettuce and other
> rabbit food but load up with chick peas, cucumber,tomatoes and blue
> cheese dressing. I started liking hummus a lot more when I started
> making my own. I recently discovered another middle eastern restaurant
> almost as good as the one I used to like but which closed down. I always
> liked their stuff done in pita wraps, but I tried the hummus pita wraps
> and they were incredible.

All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.