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Pico Rico[_2_] Pico Rico[_2_] is offline
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Default Preparing for a housewarming party tomorrow

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 7/16/2014 8:54 PM, Cheryl wrote:
>> On 7/14/2014 10:31 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
>>> On 7/14/2014 10:13 PM, sf wrote:
>>>> How does that happen? I'm so clueless about divorce. The only thing
>>>> I know is that it's easy for one to pretend to be the other (I won't
>>>> say "steal the other's identity") when their names are virtually the
>>>> same.

> Late to comment, but I don't know about identity theft via divorce. One
> of the BIG things in my divorce decree was I went back to my maiden name.
> (I'd have done that for myself even if we'd had a child; thankfully I was
> in charge of that department.)
>>> Perhaps her name was still on the mortgage.
>>> nancy

>> That's what it was. Since there was a mortgage, there was no way to get
>> my name off of it unless it was refinanced, and no bank would deal with
>> him. I didn't know anything about finances at that time, so I didn't
>> give it any thought until I started getting notices about late or
>> missing payments and anything I tried to get a loan for was denied.

> I'm very sorry you had to deal with that. What would be/would have been
> *ideal* is if the divorce court system could impose a legal order to
> remove your name from the mortgage as part of the divorce decree. Any
> default in payments is not your responsibility because you no longer live
> there. In a perfect world, eh?

Not such a perfect idea if you are the lender who looked to BOTH spouses
when they made the loan. Jeez, do you event think?