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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Medical Marijuana Cookbook

Janet Wilder wrote:
> On 7/13/2014 1:16 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 7/13/2014 2:04 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>>> On 7/13/2014 9:47 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>> On 7/13/2014 10:24 AM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>>>> I hate to sound stereotypical, but are the lawn service workers
>>>> Mexican?
>>>> They might be able to tell you where to find some.
>>>> Jill
>>> about 99% of the lawn workers here are of Mexican heritage. I do live
>>> on the border. I don't deal directly with the lawn guys, first they
>>> don't speak much English and second they are here at 7 AM.

>> The company I use has a lot of jobs to do; they rarely get here before
>> 10:30 AM.
>>> I deal with the landscape company owner who is not of Mexican
>>> heritage. I could ask
>>> around. Maybe I will.

>> Strictly up to you, of course. One of the men on the crew who takes
>> care of my yard speaks English very well. No, I have never asked him
>> about marijuana. However, I don't think much of a translation is
>> needed.
>> I'm really sorry to hear you need to go through chemo again. From what
>> my father told me, it's quite unpleasant. The first time he went
>> through it one of the nurses told him to buy some L-glutamine powder
>> (allegedly a nutritional supplement) and add it to a milkshake. He
>> swore it made him feel better. <shrug>
>> Jill

> Thanks, Jill. My problems from the chemo last summer were more related
> to the loss of white and red blood cells than to discomfort. The doctor
> says this now combo should be easier on my system and the fact that it's
> once a week for three weeks then a week off might be better tolerated.
> I'm doing two rounds then we'll take a PET scan. If the spots are gone,
> we'll stop.
> Unlike last summer where there was a big mass, there are only two little
> spots in the lower part of the lung and one lung nodule that lit up.
> They are so small that they would not have detected by a CT scan.
> I'm trying to be hopeful, but it's hard as I haven't gotten over my
> husband's sudden death on June 1.

I'm very sorry the cancer gas reappeared and that you need to go through
chemo again, Janet. I hope there is light at the end of this really
rough patch for you.