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gregz gregz is offline
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Default OT Natural Allergy Relief

> wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Jul 2014 08:07:25 -0600, graham > wrote:
>> On 16/07/2014 3:47 AM, wrote:
>>> Plus there are other vitamins which are really bad in excessive doses,
>>> ones like vitamin E which is absorbed and collected in your fat
>>> tissues.
>>> But then again, if you want expensive pee, I suppose you will go for
>>> mega doses of C. Think of the money it made for Paulin and still
>>> makes for big pharma - they certainly are charities one feels the need
>>> to make a contribution to, can't have them crying over the bottom
>>> line.

>> There was an ad on tv recently by (I think) Jameson's, a "natural"
>> vitamin manufacturer and supplier of quack products. Part of it said
>> that it sourced its Vit C from sugar beet grown in the Scottish
>> Highlands. ********! I seriously doubt there is any serious arable
>> farming there and certainly not on the scale needed.
>> However, one of about 3 factories in the world that synthesizes Vit C
>> from sugar is in Scotland.
>> Graham

> Interesting. Now there does seem to be some validity - until it's
> disproved of course - that it's a good idea for Canadians in northerly
> climes to take 1000 Vit.D in winter due to hours of daylight/sunshine.
> However, the next study may show otherwise

6-7 years ago, my left hip was giving me a lot of pain. I started taking
three things, and within a month, great pain reduction was achieved. I was
taking fish oil, Glucosamine and Chondroitin , and vitamin d. I later
concluded it was mostly the vitamin d that helped me. This was dead winter
when I started. Today, I'm almost free of any pain in the hip, and I don't
take Glucosamine and Chondroitin, and rarely fish oil. I do take a bit if
extra calcium, tums, and magnesium at times.
