OT Natural Allergy Relief
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Dave Smith[_1_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 35,884
OT Natural Allergy Relief
On 2014-07-17 6:30 AM,
> Before my knee was replaced several years ago a friend insisted I try
> that Glucosamine and Chondriotin and I was really reluctant. In
> talking it over with the pharmacist, I did as she said, kept a diary
> and took it religiously for six weeks. Not a bit of difference,
> though my wallet was considerably lighter.
If you had a knee replacement the joint would be past the point where
Glucosamine would help. I had a knee problem for years. It started to
bother me whenever I was really pushing things. A couple hours of skiing
would do it. Then it got bad when I was on a self defense course. I
tried Glucosamine then and any time that it started to stiffen up on me.
I only had to take a small dose for a couple days and the stiffness
went away.
> I'm sorry but my main thought is that someone should bottle up a
> Placebo Effect and sell that!
Shouldn't we be comforted to know that a lot of the expensive
medications we are prescribed for various ailments have proved
themselves the more effective than a placebo by only statistically
significant margin.
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Dave Smith[_1_]
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