Thread: sugar prices
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Sky[_2_] Sky[_2_] is offline
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Default sugar prices

On 7/17/2014 8:33 AM, Nancy2 wrote:
> I use a tsp. a day on my red grapefruit...can't help it, it's a childhood carryover. I don't put it in any
> drinks, or use it in anything else, other than some occasional baking. Not so much anymore, as
> chronic pain limits the time I spend on my feet in the kitchen.
> N.

I remember using sugar on the grapefruits - not that there's anything
wrong with that (er, Seinfeld voice - heheh)! Although, recently, I
learned grapefruit is also nice to have with some salt - instead of
sugar ! It's good that way, too - but that's a YMMV sort of thing, I'm sure.

Heh, when it comes to watermelon, etc., my preference has always been a
wee bit of salt. Can't say that I've ever tried watermelon with sugar,
that's for sure But then again, those are my preferences, and who
says who cares one whit or whatnot either way -----> :b~~~ LOL! So,
take that in a pipe and smoke it
