Thread: sugar prices
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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default sugar prices

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 7/17/2014 11:49 AM, Cheri wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>>>> The only thing I really use sugar for is to make sugar water for the
>>>>> hummingbird feeder.

> (snippage)
>>> There's nothing high and mighty about it. People who don't bake or
>>> use it in coffee or whatever simply don't buy a lot of white sugar.
>>> No one is saying other people aren't buying it.
>>> Jill

>> I usually buy a cake mix and make a cake for dh to last the week if he
>> wants some dessert. It's not often that I make desserts or sugary
>> things, with Thanksgiving and Christmas being exceptions, but can't feed
>> the hummingbirds aspartame so do keep sugar on hand for that, and for
>> pudding and things like that when grandkids are over. :-)
>> Cheri

> If I want cake (rare) I'll buy a mix. The hummingbirds are out in force
> this week. My computer desk is in the corner of the living room. I
> can see the feeder where I sit. Yesterday one of them had a nice long sip
> from the feeder, then flew over and hovered in front of the window,
> looking at me. Another one was very curious about the tufted titmouse
> that was flitting around in the branches of the azalea bush on the other
> side of the feeder.
> Jill

Yes, the regulars get pretty tame. They fly very close to me when I'm taking
the feeder out to rehang.
