Thread: sugar prices
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Hummingbird Feeders (WAS: sugar prices)

On 7/18/2014 7:02 AM, wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jul 2014 06:17:26 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>> On 7/18/2014 1:46 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> I once gave my bro a hummingbird feeder as a gift because I thought it
>>> was pretty. I had no idea how high maintenance they are. That stopped
>>> me from getting one for myself. The instructions actually said not to
>>> make the nectar yourself and only to purchase it or you could sicken the
>>> birds. And it had to be cleaned and disinfected so frequently that I
>>> wouldn't bother. I'd be afraid that I'd forget or for some reason be
>>> unable to clean it and kill the birds./

>> Nonsense. The sugar water is boiled; there's nothing dangerous about
>> it. I make a double batch and store half of it in a covered jar in the
>> fridge. As for cleaning it, I refill the feeder as needed, about once a
>> week. I just rinse it out with very hot water, then refill it. Easy peasy.
>> The feeder I have is this one:
>> It comes with a "recipe" for making the nectar - sugar + boiling water.
>> Let it cool, then fill the feeder. No big deal.
>> Oh sure, you can buy all sorts of fancy hummingbird feeders which are
>> prettier to look at and lot more difficult to clean. The HummZinger is
>> the best designed hummingbird feeder I've ever had.
>> Jill

> It's totally incorrect and clearly put out by a manufacturer of the
> syrup.

Yep, they're trying to sell you something. But you-know-who tends to
fall for that sort of thing.

> I have it on good authority from the ornithologist at our
> natural history museum that it is better you make your own syrup and
> those red syrups are bird killers. They cannot process red food dye.

Absolutely; the syrup should not be red. Nectar from flowers doesn't
contain red dye. Take a hint from nature.

> The red of the plastic is enough to attract them and thereafter they
> will come for easy food.
> He said the correct measure is one part to four parts and boil a few
> minutes so it does not subsequently ferment in the sun. I suppose,
> for obvious reasons I should add, fill the feeder with the syrup when
> it has cooled !

The people at the Audubon Society say the same thing. As I said, I make
a double batch and store half of it in the refrigerator in a covered
glass jar so I can fill it twice before I need to make more.

> It is also, up here in the north, terribly important to get the
> feeders out early so there is easy food for them when they arrive
> tired out and there are not too many flowers around most years.

Absolutely. People get discouraged if they don't see a hummingbird
within a day of hanging the feeder. You have to give them time to get
there, depending upon migration. Then give them time to discover the
feeder. Once they do... what fun! :-D

> To enable you to know when they are approaching there are several
> places that track them

They have different hummingbirds along the Pacific coast. I've never
seen an Anna's hummingbird. I see ruby-throats. I'm sure there are
different migratory maps. You can pretty much count on them following
the same route, year after year.
