Thread: sugar prices
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default sugar prices

On 7/18/2014 9:10 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2014-07-18 8:56 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> A few years ago I was at a friend's house and there was a humingbird
>>> bird perched on a wire strung across the rafters in his garage. We sat
>>> there and watched it for about 15 minutes. We knew we would never get
>>> another chance to see something like that again.

>> Hummingbirds have to eat all day in order to survive the night. When
>> night falls they go to roost. They fall into a state of torpor. You
>> cannot wake them up. Their bodies practically shut down to conserve
>> energy. Their temperature drops. It's like suspended animation. As
>> the sun comes up they warm up. They gradually come out of the torpor.
>> Then they're off again for another day of eating. They are very
>> interesting little birds. Cute as can be to watch, too. :-D

> That was the odd thing. It was the middle of the afternoon. It was
> awake. It looked around. It was a warm day, the garage door was wide
> open. I had never before seen a hummingbird perched like that. I had
> only seen them buzzing abut or hovering by the flowers. It was such a
> rare event that we just sat there and watching it. It is more typical to
> be outside and to catch a glimpse of one for a moment.

They do perch. I've seen several hanging out on the perches around the
feeder. I can't say I timed them but if they are not threatened they
will sit there for several minutes. They're conserving energy. It's

I've got some photos of perched hummingbirds at my feeder but they
aren't good ones.
