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Steve Freides[_2_] Steve Freides[_2_] is offline
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Default why do recipes seem to call for chickpeas?

sf wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jul 2014 12:15:58 -0400, "Steve Freides" >
> wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> Given that, I'd first try broad/fava beans as a substitute.

>> This is a good suggestion, based on my limited knowledge of middle
>> east foods. I know that, e.g., falafel is made in most Mediterranean
>> countries with chickpeas, but in Egypt, it is made with fava beans
>> and no chickpeas at all. And, fwiw, I think the Egyptian kind tastes
>> better.

> I think I know where to buy frozen fava beans. They aren't one I use
> very often (ever), so I'll need to look around for that. Thanks.

Best of luck. FWIW, I haven't found canned or frozen fava beans that
are unseasoned - they're usually salted and also have a preservative of
some sort added. If that works for your recipe, it can be fine, but
it's a thing to keep in mind, e.g., you might want to use less salt than
your recipe calls for if the beans are already in salted water.

I find this very frustrating, btw - even a place like Whole Foods sells
frozen fava beans (and other things as well, of course, but I noticed it
with fava beans) packaged like they're frozen peas or something, namely
just the vegetable on the label and nothing more. But you have to look
at the ingredients list.

Your recipe doesn't mention salt, but it wouldn't surprise me if canned
chickpeas were typically the same, namely packaged in salt and water, so
perhaps a straight substitution would work OK after all. I cannot
imagine a recipe like that would taste good without any salt.

