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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default Jaques Pepin Gives Gordon Ramsay and his ilk what for !!!!

"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Fri, 18 Jul 2014 09:57:02 -0700, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Fri, 18 Jul 2014 09:22:04 -0700, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2014 19:22:44 -0700, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>>>>> BTW, Brandi Passante is a cutie. I saw her at the storage locker on
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> day of shooting. They make her look taller by wearing insanely high
>>>>>> heeled
>>>>>> shoes. She's so short the cameras have to point at the ground
>>>>>> otherwise.
>>>>> She's 5' 8", which is 3 inches *taller* than the average American
>>>>> woman her age.
>>>>> So who did you see since it wasn't Brandi? Or were you wet-dreaming
>>>> My buddy owns the storage facility and he invited me to the shooting.
>>>> She
>>>> was there for an hour and at no time did her height, even in shoes,
>>>> come
>>>> close to 5-8. Even her BF Jarrod is not 5-8.
>>> Excuse me, but you're full of shit. Again. I see no accounts of her
>>> being short, only her documented height. Anybody who's watched the
>>> show can tell you she isn't short, nor tall.

>> I stood right next to her. Jarrod is maybe 5-8 in dress shoes. I am 6-1
>> and
>> she barely reached nipple height in shoes.

> <yawn> Full. Of. Shit.
> Furthermore, Jarrod is documented as being 5' 10".

Documented by who? The National Height Documentation Society? May I
voidire their credentials before accepting their gospel fact? What did they
do, bozo, hold a tape measure up to him? I met the freaking guy, imbecile.
You can meet them too, they operate a store in Orange County. Just call and
ask the staff when they will be in and see for yourself.

> Admit it, Paul. You were never there and have never seen these people
> in person.

Have another shot of tequila.

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