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Default why do recipes seem to call for chickpeas?

On Fri, 18 Jul 2014 13:01:04 -0400, "Steve Freides" >

> Best of luck. FWIW, I haven't found canned or frozen fava beans that
> are unseasoned - they're usually salted and also have a preservative of
> some sort added. If that works for your recipe, it can be fine, but
> it's a thing to keep in mind, e.g., you might want to use less salt than
> your recipe calls for if the beans are already in salted water.
> I find this very frustrating, btw - even a place like Whole Foods sells
> frozen fava beans (and other things as well, of course, but I noticed it
> with fava beans) packaged like they're frozen peas or something, namely
> just the vegetable on the label and nothing more. But you have to look
> at the ingredients list.
> Your recipe doesn't mention salt, but it wouldn't surprise me if canned
> chickpeas were typically the same, namely packaged in salt and water, so
> perhaps a straight substitution would work OK after all. I cannot
> imagine a recipe like that would taste good without any salt.

I don't have a problem using a frozen beans. Glad to hear WF sells
them frozen, I'll just go there and not waste my time looking
elsewhere. Thanks!

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