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Default Jaques Pepin Gives Gordon Ramsay and his ilk what for !!!!

On Friday, July 18, 2014 7:41:45 PM UTC-4, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jul 2014 10:14:20 -0700, Paul M. Cook wrote:
> > Documented by who? The National Height Documentation Society?

> Do a web search, Mr. "I Invented the Internet".
> > May I

> > voidire their credentials before accepting their gospel fact? What did they

> > do, bozo, hold a tape measure up to him? I met the freaking guy, imbecile.

> First you said you "saw them". Then you said you stood right next to
> them. Now you say you met them. That's the typical route most
> habitual liars use to try and support their fantasies.
> > You can meet them too, they operate a store in Orange County. Just call and

> > ask the staff when they will be in and see for yourself.

> Why don't you just call them and ask them how tall they are? And make
> sure to record the conversation. Because so far all we have is your
> word against documented facts.
> -sw

Careful! When Paulie gets caught in a lie, he runs away and pouts. Tell us again, Kook, how that domino's pizza was cooked but frozen in the middle. I'm sure domino's would like the nobel prize for explaining how that is physically possible. BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!