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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Dinner at the Club 7/17/2014

On 7/17/2014 10:55 PM, sf wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Jul 2014 21:01:47 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>> I don't eat at the Club very often. I'm making more of a concerted
>> effort this year to use the dining minumum. Still, I hardly ever eat
>> there. Yet they know who I am. That's either pretty neat or rathr
>> scary.

> You order food to go and that's how they know your name.

Actually, I've started eating *at* the club. That will continue until
daylight savings time ends. Occasionally I order something to bring
home for the freezer. I got gypped on a fish & chips dinner I ordered
to go. Got home, had the fish but no chips!

> It doesn't
> take long for workers to know a "regular", no matter how irregular you
> think you are. Besides, it's smart marketing. In general, people
> like to be recognized.

There are generally a lot of people there, but yes, it does behoove them
to recognize people. Still, I'm good with faces but very bad with
names. I see people out and about and recognize them but I'll be darned
if I can remember their name. That even happened with a woman I worked
with at H&R Block. I saw her five days a week for three months. You'd
think I'd know her name since I was scheduling appointments for her.
Yet when I saw her at the library last year I could not remember her
name. <sigh>
