Cooked peanuts
On 7/19/2014 3:24 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> What exactly are cooked peanuts? I bought some of the Royal Oak brand.
> Says they are cooked to perfection. And although they got high ratings
> on Amazon, I have issues with them. They claim to be crunchy but to me
> they just seem hard to bite. And I don't find that they have very good
> flavor or much aroma.
> I have bought blister fried peanuts in the past and that's what these
> remind me of. They are usually more expensive than Planters or Fishers
> but I actually like those better. Actually I bought the Winco brand
> today because for some reason it was all Mother Hubbard in the nut
> department and I actually like these cheap nuts better. These are all
> roasted nuts. I have also had dry roasted. I'm not really into dry
> roasted but even those are better than the cooked and blister fried to me.
> So... How exactly do they cook the nuts?
Perhaps they are boiled peanuts? Those are a common snack in the southeast.