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Steve Freides[_2_] Steve Freides[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 1,879
Default Jaques Pepin Gives Gordon Ramsay and his ilk what for !!!!

Paul M. Cook wrote:

> Everything on those shows is scripted.


> It's TV. TV is fake.

We shouldn't oversimplify. It's possible to create a version of reality
by taking lots and lots of video and editing it down to something a
small percentage of its original size. Move directors often shoot far
more footage than they use.

If a reality show takes 24 hours of video and concocts a one-hour
episode out of it, are they accurately representing what happened? No,
but that doesn't necessarily mean it was scripted, either.

I do agree with you completely, though, that most TV, including all
so-called reality shows, are total rubbish. I have never seen any of
them and hope to go to my grave being able to make that statement. I
find my own reality quite entertaining enough, thank you.
