Thread: Not Cooking
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Not Cooking

"Cheri" wrote:
>"Brooklyn1" wrote:
>> When someone loses a spouse if they truly loved you they'd not want
>> you to live all alone without love for the remainder of your life yet
>> many do, I have no sympathy for those lonely shallow low IQers... and

>Many live alone because they choose to, and they're not the least bit lonely

The people I've known who claimed they choose to live alone have
proven to me that they are either liars, truly antisocial, or both...
and often are substance addicted. Many of my co workers that went
through a divorce rather than begin a new life, maybe get some needed
counceling, let the divorce wreck their life... thirty years later
they're still living in the throes of their divorce like it was
yesterday... they drive people away, people tire of hearing about it,
constantly. When asked why they haven't met someone their stock
answer is always "I choose to live alone"... yeah, right. Besides
being bitter and boring they repulse with how they reek of alcohol.
Very often they don't leave home for weeks, they're not sober enough
to drive. They can't afford to go anywhere and have hobbies because
they spend all their disposable income on booze, they drink alone and
they eat alone, they do everything alone. Some won't answer their
phone because they're too zonked and they won't speak on the phone
because their speech is too slurred. They all share one thing in
common, denial.