Thread: Not Cooking
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Not Cooking

On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 00:34:53 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:

>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> Gary wrote:
>>> lucretiaborgia@cheapdago wrote:
>>>> Jean B. wrote:
>>>>> Thanks. I doubt I will ever be so bonded with another fur baby, but who
>>>>> knows. I can't even think about another cat (or, more likely, two
>>>>> litter mates or friends) until I see what pattern my life settles into
>>>>> when my daughter takes off for college.
>>>> Sorry for the loss, it's so painful.
>>>> Just wait and see, I wasn't going to have another cat but this one
>>>> found me when a woman in our building died and there was nobody to
>>>> take the cat in the closet. It's too soon/painful to think about
>>>> another yet.
>>> Loss of a beloved pet is so hurtful. Getting a new pet soon though can
>>> really help out. You're not replacing the one you loved and lost, but
>>> bringing in a new one soon after can really brighten up your life and
>>> your household. A new kitten will be so adorable and innocent and
>>> always playful that you can be happy with that while still missing the
>>> old one.
>>> Get a rescue older cat, and treat it with kindness and it helps just
>>> as much if not more.
>>> In honor of your departed loved one, rescue one that's had a bad life
>>> and give them a loving home. What a difference you can make in a
>>> life. :-D

>> When someone loses a spouse if they truly loved you they'd not want
>> you to live all alone without love for the remainder of your life yet
>> many do, I have no sympathy for those lonely shallow low IQers... and
>> it's the same with pets. I've always made sure I've had several, so
>> when one passes I miss them but the others move in to fill the gap,
>> and I find another that needs a home... usually another finds me... I
>> never turn a needy critter away. Besides the six I have indoors I
>> have six in my barn, and often more, I feed all. Today I was out at
>> the barn three times to fill the food and water bowls... in winter I
>> supply heat... most times I don't see the barn cats but I know they're
>> there and they need to live too. Truth is I spend more on feeding
>> critters than I do feeding myself. I bet my birdseed bill is more
>> than that ugli sicilian stronzo welfare borgia spends to feed her
>> family.

>Oh gee. Bird seed. My birds are eating me out of house and home. I
>guess they know a good thing when they see it!

I go through two hundred pounds of premium seed a month, plus fifty
pounds of in-shell peanuts. My only issue is where to store it
indoors, outside even if I make it mouse proof in steel cans a bear
will get to it, so I keep all those fifty pound sacks in my office...
with six cats patroling mice haven't a chance.