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Sky[_2_] Sky[_2_] is offline
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Default A historical question about HoJo'w

On 7/20/2014 2:55 PM, James Silverton wrote:
> When my kids were small they loved Howard Johnson's Fried clams. It used
> to be a big deal to have dinner at the HoJo restaurant near the Blue
> Ridge National Park. There aren't many (if any) HoJo's now but what
> sort of clams did they use? I recall the clams as being long battered
> strips.

Wow! I remember HoJo's fried clams, although I have no clue what sort
of clams were used Most likely, and I would not be surprised, they
were probably 'canned' ????

Dang! It seems many HoJo's still exist, go figure Reference - although I don't believe
they're as numerous as they used to be. Alas, the HoJo in my local area
went 'bye-bye' more than 20-plus years ago. Times change, etc.
