Thread: Stupidmarket
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Bryan-TGWWW Bryan-TGWWW is offline
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Default Stupidmarket

On Sunday, July 20, 2014 9:24:06 AM UTC-5, Brooklyn1 wrote:

Here's a quote that is as head-up-the-ass as the piece of shit who posted the link.
"Giving the customer the impression that everything is as fresh as possible is a major priority of supermarkets, as is making as much money as possible, which can lead to some shady practices markets engage in to extend shelf life (pro tip: if it ever looks like there are two overlapping labels on a package of meat, don't buy it)."
Dumb**** Sheldon, with your dumb**** article, when there is a second label at
the store where I shop, the meat with a pasted over label has always been
marked down very significantly.

Stupid web page.
