Thread: wheezing
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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default wheezing

Julie Bove wrote:
sf" wrote in message

> He has the Id (Freud) of a teenager... or else he's just plain crazy. Troll? Unlikely.

> Yeah. Something isn't right to be sure.

I'm nuts too, just so you don't think I'm getting all arrogant and superior in regards to Gus. But, as a part-time amateur psychiatrist as well as a part-time amateur mental patient, I have analyzed Gus's traits from posts into this group as well as those into the group in which I encountered the man of the hour.

Yes, he is nuts. But so are we. Yes, we. I speak for all of us. But his is in your face. It's forced. It's relentless. My number one gripe with Gus is his amazing selfishness, where he'll ask a question, get an answer, then just totally ignore, choosing instead to spring into some screed of his own, usually involving disgusting sex with his gf or problems with squirrels in his yard, never once expressing gratitude for either the gf or the yard as well as the multiple blessings God has bestowed on him and all who live on planet earth - except for those who are starving to death or are tied down on tables in someone's basement being tortured day after day for life. Otherwise, let's be thankful for what we've got.

I am finished analyzing Gus. My diagnosis, as I told him only last week, was simply this: "Gus, you are insane."

"Ok", he said, "so what are we going to do about it?"

"That's your problem", I said. "I'm just a shrink. I analyzed you, as promised, and I came up with a diagnosis, as promised. I never said anything about a cure or anything like that."

Gus got mad. Watch out. Nut cases are dangerous when they are mad.