Thread: sugar prices
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default sugar prices

On 7/20/2014 1:33 AM, Dave W wrote:
> My porch is not large ... about 8 x 10 foot. One feeder up and there are
> constant battles. One bird claims the feeder and fights off newcomers.
> If I hang 4 feeders (spaced about 3 foot apart) I get lots of birds at a
> time and see very few fights.
> Never see as many birds as those folks in the video get, though.
> Regards,
> Dave W.
> In the Ozarks

I'm guessing you have a covered porch? If I had a porch like that I'd
definitely hang multiple feeders. My hummingbird feeder hangs from a
long chain suspended from a hook under the eaves by the den. Sure, I
could put up more hooks, chains and feeders. But it's sort of a PITA
PITA to get to the one I have. It requires maneuvering around azaela
bushes (in very soft, sandy, often wet soil) to empty and refill it
every week. It would be nice to just step out on a covered porch...
