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Janet Wilder[_4_] Janet Wilder[_4_] is offline
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Default My cupboards look great!

On 7/21/2014 5:45 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> We moved in here almost 10 years ago and the cupboards have left
> something to be desired ever since. They are the standard, cheap 1980's
> plain oak look with the flat front with an edge around it. Very similar
> to this:
> Ah, that's a pantry If only I had that. But... Anyway... They had
> begun to look sun faded in spots and had weird streaks down some of them
> that looked like someone had dripped water down them.
> I had considered refinishing but really didn't want to do that. Then I
> saw a post on Facebook to mix 1 cup of canola oil with 1/4 cup of apple
> cider or white vinegar. Apply and that's it! No need to wipe as the
> oil will soak into the wood.
> What I learned is that this will not clean the wood. I did have to
> clean it first to remove a few spots and the icky places where our
> fingers touch because there is no hardware on there. Hmmm... That
> could be a project. But... What it did was make the wood glow and it
> totally covered up the fading and streaks! Almost looks like new
> cabinets. New crappy cabinets, but still...
> I have tried pretty much every product on the market for wood and none
> worked better than this. Highly recommend!

I use lemon oil on my cabinets. Cleans and preserves.

From somewhere very deep in the heart of Texas