Wolverine taste
On 7/18/2014 1:02 PM, Gary wrote:
> notbob wrote:
>> On 2014-07-18, Paul M. Cook > wrote:
>>> They sure are glorifying the needless slaughter of wildlife on those
>>> shows.
>> Those shows being? Do you actually know of what you speak or do you
>> jes spout tree-hugger platitudes?
>> What "needless slaughter"? Wild pigs have become a plague. We have
>> so many deer in my area, you gotta shoo 'em outta the way to get into
>> a parking space. It's easier to hit one with yer car than get a
>> hunting tag. Flocks of turkeys are walking down the streets of
>> small-town America. Bears are running rampant in large urban
>> centers.
>> What is "needless" is the power of state game agencies to perpetuate
>> themselves into ever growing bureaucracies that survive by legislating
>> game laws that allow wild game numbers to explode beyond control.
>> Reminds me of that FL case where huge numbers of deer were starving to
>> death. Can't issue tags to hunters to reduce the pops, but can
>> certainly allow 'em to die by starvation. Needless slaughter, indeed.
>> nb
> And Colorado has too many notbobs. We need to cull them so the rest
> can live.
Damn, you're actually in favor of killing your fellow citizens?
Does your local sheriff's department know about you?