Thread: Wolverine taste
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Remington 7 Remington 7 is offline
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Posts: 62
Default Wolverine taste

On 7/21/2014 1:41 PM, Gary wrote:
> Remington 7 wrote:
>> Trapping is legal and trapping is historically sound game management.

> It's unnecessary now


Trapping is a vital means of varmint control.

> and an evil way to kill animals.

That's a subjective call.

> Shoot animals
> for game management but not trapping. no.

Here's a clue, animals don't always show up to be shot.

They can be sneaky, have a wide range, come at odd hours, etc.

If you had a skunk after your property, would you go hunting it, or trap it?

Think carefully, human-killer.

>> You're a bigot, a fool, and a human-hating sociopath, and that's just
>> for starters.

> And you show up here as total moron. Idiot. Are you Ted N?

I have no clue who that is.

But I know I've put more reality on your plate that your hypocritical
ferret-loving ass can handle, killer.

> I hope you get your foot snapped in a bear trap some day. See how it
> feels, pal.
> G.

I'm sure you do, sociopath.

Why don't you just go leg trap all the humans who disagree with you?

But it looks like you won't get your buddy Bryan to administer the kill
shot for you, coward.

Go back to your shrink-wrapped meat trays, you raving sociopathic misfit.