On 7/22/2014 8:46 AM, barbie gee wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Jul 2014, Cheryl wrote:
>> On 7/21/2014 10:37 PM, wrote:
>>> I haven't had any dental work for a while, but when I did they gave me
>>> Carbocaine. With Novocaine I would never get numb till I was leaving the
>>> office -- and then I would be mumbling and drooling for the next couple
>>> hours.
>> Depending on the pain of the procedure and how deep, I often have to
>> have several shots before I'm completely numb enough for there to be
>> no pain. These several shots can be done during the procedure if I'm
>> still feeling it, and by the time I'm done, the same as you, I'm
>> drooling for several hours.
>> After this last procedure, it turned out I was drooling blood and
>> didn't realize it while I went to 3 pharmacies trying to get my pain
>> medication prescription filled. The first prescription, my dentist hit
>> "refill" on the last pain med he gave me, but that turned out to have
>> 500mg of acetaminophen which they don't give you anymore. I had to run
>> back to my dentist office, and back to the pharmacy and they didn't
>> have it. GGrrrrrr.. pharmacy #2, didn't have it. Finally pharmacy #3
>> and I was going to give up if they didn't have it, but they did. After
>> all the running around I went to use the rest room and found my mouth
>> covered with blood. lol I must have looked a site to anyone I passed
>> by.
> I'm surprised they didn't call the dentist, or you call the dentist and
> have them call in something else for you. All that running around seems
> silly...
Both pharmacies that didn't have them had pharmacy technicians that were
very rude about it. Wouldn't call to ask around, didn't even suggest
where I could try. It was frustrating.
The dentist office cannot call in or electronically prescribe percoset
as it is a controlled substance and pharmacies require scripts in writing.