>"Jack Schidt®" speakseasy:
>> >>"PENMART01" wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I really like Penzeys toasted onions.
>> >
>> >
>> >Ooo I love those. I love to sprinkle them in my bowl of (chicken) soup,
>> >they're still kinda crunchy. Yum. I also like to whir a few in the spice
>> >grinder and toss it in with the bread crumbs and parmesan for these
>> >crusted chicken breasts we love. It adds a nice flavor and everyone is
>> >always trying to guess what I used (since they don't see it
>> >
>> >kimberly
>> Yup, Penzeys toasted onions are great in meatloaf, much better tasting
>> those in soup packets and without all that salt, so you can add a lot.
>> I like their dehy bell peppers too, good ground and sprinkled on egg,
>> macaroni, potato salads... of course they're invaluable for those times
>> need a bell pepper for a suup/stew and the one you thought you had has
>> or it's mid winter and crumby looking bell peppers are $3/lb.. I get the
>> and green blend, and if necessary it's easy to pick out the color you
>> the super fresh flavor of Penzeys dehy pepper is intense, wait till you
>> the pack and get a whiff.
>A-men, brudda! Not to mention the quality of their dried chiles and ground
>chiles. The chipotle is outta sight! Their dehy celery is good too, when
>you want that celery flavor AND sop up some water.
>Jack Dry
I love their big plump Anchos too... whiz em up in the blender, seeds too,
great in chili or a terrific rub for a chick. But my most favorite Penzey
product is their Adobo... don't eat pork without it.
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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."