Thread: $22 a pound?
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Default $22 a pound?

On Mon, 28 Jul 2014 13:55:31 -0500, Ema Nymton >

>On 7/28/2014 9:31 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2014-07-28 10:27 AM, Ema Nymton wrote:
>>>> Maybe he's confusing our Texas way of putting mustard on hamburgers?
>>>> I always put mustard no my burgers instead of ketchup as a kid. I must
>>>> have been practicing for Whatburger :-)
>>> Janet, you were ahead of your time. Mustard is popular in the Houston
>>> area, which was settled by Germans, and when I grew up, if you ordered a
>>> burger, it came with mustard.

>> I have always had mustard on hamburgers. It is not a hamburger without
>> mustard. It also has to have relish, onion and a slice of tomato. No
>> ketchup!!
>>> When television went from black & white to color, and you could see
>>> commercials in "full living color", I was grossed out by ketchup being
>>> on burgers. It just looked strange when I was a kid. I can handle
>>> ketchup on burgers as an adult, but I prefer mustard on them, or mustard
>>> on one side and mayo on the other. My firstborn eats them however they
>>> come, and my secondborn only eats mustard on his burgers.
>>> BTW, when Burger King opened in my area of Texas, the first item listed
>>> on their menu was Mustard Whopper, then Whopper was listed next. I guess
>>> someone told them in advance about us crazy Texans.
>>> Becca


>Dave, you have excellent taste. :-)
>George is always grossed out when I put mustard on a BLT and I am always
>surprised when he uses ketchup on scrambled eggs. I grew up using salsa
>on scrambled eggs.

Mustard is good on scrambled eggs too.
