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Default Sysco Restaurant food?

On Monday, July 28, 2014 2:56:56 PM UTC-7, Michael Nielsen wrote:
> Im not making any claims, or painting sysco anything. Im just reacting to what I hear and read about them. Assuming their claims are correct, I react and wanted a discussion about that.

No, you are just slanting and exaggerating an already slanted article. At least the article you link contains this:

"But many quality restaurants, like Tree Room, use Sysco responsibly--shying away from pre-made items they can disguise as their own. Bardia Ferdowski of Bardia's New Orleans Café in Washington, D.C., purchases only raw and unprocessed Sysco products such as flour, potatoes, and beef, and receives frequent deliveries so that ingredients are as fresh as possible. For its part, Sysco has also been upping the quality of some of its offerings. It now distributes more locally grown meats and produce, and teams up with companies like artisanal cheesemonger Murray's to deliver specialty foods. Chef Tom Hosack of Hudson's at the Heathman Lodge in Vancouver, Wash., for instance, buys most of his greens through Sysco, and they're almost all regionally grown."

As others and I have said, just because a restaurant buys something from Sysco doesn't mean they don't have a chef who actually makes his/her own menu items from real ingredients. You are just outright lying that no restaurants in your area make their own stuff.

Bill Ranck
Blacksburg VA