On 8/4/04 1:18 PM, "**bg**" > wrote:
> Hi,
> We got so busy over the lovely past few months here in Vancouver Canada,
> have done no baking for a while. Raining now, so gonna bake soon.
> I have created a grand batch of about 2 litres of lovely starter in a
> covered glass bowl, has been in the fridge for several months.
> It is about 5" deep, with about 1/4" of dark liquid on top. I am tempted to
> mix it all in and proceed with making dough.
> Or thinking of skimming it off first...
> What do you recommend pls?
> -bg-
> www.thelittlecanadaheadphoneband.ca
> PS - Enjoy the (rough mixes) of the music if you go the website.
> We will be putting new mixes up by end of Sept.
> Feedback appreciated.
Pour off the liquid on top. Keep about about 2 tablespoons of that old
starter. Toss the rest. Add your reserved starter to about five or six
tablespoons of new flour+water mixture. Let it activate, then feed at least
twice before using. You should be ready to go in two or three days.
When starter gets as old as yours it becomes too acidic to build a loaf
with. So you re-balance with new flour+water, then feed a couple of cycles
before building a new dough.
Good luck!
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