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Ema Nymton Ema Nymton is offline
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Default Sysco Restaurant food?

On 7/30/2014 5:52 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:52:35 AM UTC-10, Ema Nymton wrote:

>> We had a Chinese restaurant next door to our office and sometimes
>> we would go in around 3:00 for a snack. That is when the kitchen help
>> and everyone else would eat at a large table, family style. We would
>> eat whatever they were having. Anyway, the people who fill our wontons
>> and make our dumplings and eggrolls are Hispanic. They also make our
>> sushi and they do a fine job.
>> Becca

> I have heard of this happening on the mainland. We don't have that
> many Hispanics here to be doing that. I think there was one latino
> cooking for a local style restaurant on the big island. My
> understanding is that it's a great place. There was a Mexican
> restaurant that got raided by the migras in Kailua. I thought that
> was great. You know the Mexican food is authentic when the joint get
> visited by the INS. That's probably no big deal for you guys - you
> probably see that every day.

We do not have many INS raids, AFAIK, and when half of your population
is Hispanic, I am not sue how they can tell, I guess they have their
ways, though.

Here in Texas, we like our illegals, but you will hear a few elderly
people complain about them. Most of these people have green cards, but
they are still referred to as "illegals" by those who do not like
Mexicans being here.
