Thread: Dangit sw!
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Dangit sw!

"Sqwertz" > wrote in message

> <And the crowd roars!> We knew you would come up with some bullshit
> to avoid the obvious, perfectly acceptable solution. You never fail
> to come through!

If I had to eat the frozen patty, I would eat it as a patty with mashed on
the side. Not the same thing. If it had been a patty that I cooked myself,
I might try it as my patties are plain. I just don't want the char taste in
my gravy and I only use those patties when I need a quick meal and have
nothing else in the form protein to eat.

I got chicken, steak and ground beef today. From Central Market. They have
the best meat around. No cooking today. I got Angela and egg salad
croissant and a hummus and raw veggie cup. Puke on rice for husband.
That's what we call it because it looks like that. Some kind of curry
thing. I'll try to finish off my hominy.

Thankfully my mom changed her plans and we are taking her to lunch tomorrow.
Tomorrow is slated to be the hottest day in the coming 10 days. And she has
AC. So I may have to wait till Sun. to cook. Unless she decides not to go
out for dinner.