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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default Dinner 8/2/2014

On 8/2/2014 12:23 PM, Sqwertz wrote:

> Oh, for Christ's sake. Now she's grooming her boy Casa Boner to "take
> on the group". Can it get any more pathetic?

One more reason for the killfile. Please don't repost!

> ObFood: Those plastic pouches of Ortega pre-cooked taco meat - product
> of Brazil - aren't horrible. The ingredient statement is clean and
> they are very handy at $1/6oz package. Great for quick refried bean,
> cheese, and meat tostada or burrito.

Tonight is Asian style chicken stir fried with fresh snow peas,
broccoli, celery and any other odds and ends veggies I can find, maybe
even some fresh yellow crook neck squash in there. The chicken is
marinading now in soy sauce, my fresh honey, orange juice, sesame oil,
lots of garlic, lots of fresh ground pepper, chives, ginger and red
pepper flakes. I'll cook the rice ahead of time so it can cooled and
then eaten as a resistant starch.
