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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default one tomato plant not producing

"Gus" > wrote in message
>I have 8 plants and 7 all have had a decent number of tomatoes, but one
> plant has not had any. It is the plant that has grown the best and
> biggest and looks the healthiest. It's actually huge-- over 6 feet
> tall, and filled out well. Has had lots of flowers, but not one tomato.
> It's in the same spot as I had one last year that produced many
> tomatoes. I'm confused why this one plant is not growing any tomatoes,
> and it is the biggest and healthiest of the lot.

Did you put blossom set spray on it? If not, try that. It's also possible
that the plant is different than the others and could be a later fruiting
variety. I don't know about your climate there, but here we often don't get
tomatoes until the end of August. And different varieties produce at
different times. Even if you bought a plant labeled something like "Early
Girl", it could have merely been mislabed or could have really been planted
with some other kind of seed. I've had tomatoes reseeds themselves and
because of how weird tomatoes can be, the plant that comes up could be
something entirely different from what I planted the year before.