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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Walnuts: Why are they so expensive?

> wrote in message
> Bags of walnuts in the shell, I mean.
> After all, cherries are far more delicate, you'd think - and yet,
> when they're in season, it's easy enough to buy THOSE in good
> condition for under $4 a pound, if you shop around!
> OK, so you're buying the pits and stems as well, but those make up far
> less than 25% of the total weight, I'm guessing. Whereas with walnuts,
> the shell is 50% of the weight - and IIRC, you're lucky if you pay as
> little as $4 a pound - so that's $8 a pound WITHOUT the shell!
> BTW, here's a thread I started in 2012 about WHERE to buy them:
> Even so, I'm curious as to the WHY of the matter, this time.
> Lenona.

Nuts in general aren't cheap. I guess it has to do with how much it costs
to grow them. I never have so I don't know how long it takes to produce
them or what the yield is per tree.