Thread: Ah So
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squirts squirts is offline
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Default Ah So

On 8/4/2014 1:52 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Mon, 04 Aug 2014 13:01:47 -0500, Janet Wilder wrote:
>> On 8/4/2014 10:34 AM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> Janet Wilder wrote:
>>>> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>>> Roy wrote:
>>>>>>> PS- Congrats on the Food Bank award from me too. Way to be, Steve.
>>>>>>> For those that only saw the award picture, here's the full story:
>>>>>> Holy it turns out that Squertzy IS a good guy after all.
>>>>>> Geez, that will certainly change people's attitude towards the little,
>>>>>> (but well fed), fart.
>>>>> Great that someone is so devoted to helping others.
>>>>> Actually, he has 1400 hours but the rest is under a variety of nymes
>>>>> from the internet.
>>>> Putting on my nanny hat. That was really not very nice. You are just
>>>> jealous that you have not done anything good for mankind.
>>> Janet, I hope you don't mind my saying so but you really need to learn
>>> to recognize and enjoy humor... a sense of humor will serve you very
>>> well with what you need to endure. It couldn't be more obvious that
>>> both Roy and Ed were practicing irony hoping to get a rise out of the
>>> dwarf (pun intended). You are being extremely presumptuious by
>>> thinking others don't do good deeds, many people do good deeds only
>>> real heros don't talk about it. My philosophy is that if one asks for
>>> recognition the recognition received is insincere... whenever folks
>>> here announce their good deeds and everyone falls all over each other
>>> in an attempt to out-kudos each other I have to think what a bunch of
>>> phony *******s.

>> I saw nothing to indicate they were being ironic.

> I didn't see Roy's post and couldn't care less what he has to say.
> And I found Ed's post amusing. I don't think Ed necessarily believes
> I post under a zillion nyms (do you?) but there are certain paranoid
> others here who do. And I assume that was for their benefit.

Google + blocknews - not sure whose benefit you troll
for, your own likely.

> And Shelly, if you think I posted the original link in question, then
> YOU'RE the one with the serious cognitive problem, not anybody else
> here. It was clearly the casa boner stalker. Unless of course you
> also think that's me posting the hundreds of followups, too. Nyeh -
> doesn't matter what you think anyway.

Or anyone else for that matter, eh troll?