On Tuesday, August 5, 2014 6:49:38 PM UTC-4, Janet Wilder wrote:
> On 8/5/2014 5:41 PM, wrote:
> Oh sure, I could hit with a hammer or something and break it, but they aren't anywhere near as delicate and difficult to use as some folks want to believe. At least not this one. And, it heats up plenty fast, a small pot of water boils in less than 5 minutes (never timed it exactly).
> I scrubbed the little white dots off of two burners on my black glass
> cooktop. It looks scratched and messy.
White dots? Mine has some white lines in the glass, but I've scraped off cooked on crud with a razor blade and the lines remain, so they are below the surface on mine. I'm not fussy about it looking polished, so it's kind of dull but not what I'd call messy. The brand is Magic Chef, which I don't think is high-end or anything. Again, it was here when I bought the house..
Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, VA