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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Walnuts: Why are they so expensive?

On Tue, 5 Aug 2014 15:27:30 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

> On Tuesday, August 5, 2014 1:00:51 PM UTC-4, sf wrote:
> > Those fancy French words are best left to the French, British and
> >
> > musicians. Americans hear a word pronounced "fort" and think of it as
> >
> > an abbreviation of fortification. If we mean it's not a "strong
> >
> > point", that's what we say...unless (of course) we're trying to
> >
> > demonstrate how cosmopolitan we are. Then it's foot in mouth.

> "Best left to"?

Yes. You people are the ones who rely on French words to say
something that can be better understood by everyone when using
English. If "fort" means "strong point", then say "strong point" and
don't try to be cute.
> If we all cared about being well-read and well-informed in general,
> regardless of whether we had the chance to go to college or not, a lot
> of not-so-long words wouldn't sound "cosmopolitan," just part of the
> normal vocabulary of someone over 30 or even 20.

You're an East Coaster. French words are part of the fabric back
there. Words like "forte" are obviously not very well learned by the
natives or else people would know when it's appropriate to say fortay
and when they should say fort. If they did, the common misuse
wouldn't be made fun of by a comedian.
> I seem to remember an article by a teacher that told of how a class
> of teens in a middle-class(?) high school flatly refused to contemplate
> the idea that one purpose of high school is to expand your vocabulary.
> Quote (not verbatim) from a student: "If you people (adults) would only
> talk like everyone else, we wouldn't need all those extra words."
> Reminds me of how some people say that nowadays, the purpose of college
> is to prove you have a high school education.

I've never heard that, but again... you're an east coaster. You guys
are different.


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