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Edwin Pawlowski
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Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

"Richard Periut" > wrote in message
> I can get the whole spices much cheaper at Indo Pakistani stores, and
> Latino markets.

Not everyone has access to those markets. I don't think there is a whole
peppercorn within 30 miles of where I live. Pakistani? Maybe about 75
miles. Latino? I know of one only 48 miles away.

> And if you have to resort to premixed rubs and other condiments, then
> that's not distinct from taking a can of cream soup and making a
> casserole (chemical casseroles I like to call them,) and calling that a
> quality meal.

I agree to a point. I've used some of the blends and they do a good job or
getting the ratios in proper order while many of us would have to do a lot
of experimenting.

> Sorry, that's just me. Maybe others share my opinion or perhaps can
> convince me to think otherwise.

You just have to look at a map. Much of the world's population is clustered
in great cities with a lot of diversity and many good markets. Others are
miles from any place. The internet and suppliers like Penzy's are great