Mastering gas stoves for stewing
On Wed, 06 Aug 2014 18:15:35 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>On 2014-08-06 5:59 PM, Jeßus wrote:
>>> are they really "taught" by their parents not to have kids, or is that just
>>> the popular trend, as it is with much of those here in the US that SHOULD be
>>> the ones having kids.
>> Should???
>It works for me. I am not a religious person. I tend more to the Darwin
>view. When I look around the world and see people with little education
>and few prospects having large families, and realizing that kids born
>and raised into poverty are likely to remain impoverished, I have fear
>for our future. OTOH, we have intelligent, ambitious, educated people
>remaining childless or having only one or two kids. We are headed for a
>world where fewer and fewer people are going to have a greater and
>greater percentage of the wealth, while the population of poor,
>uneducated people grows exponentially. The crap is going to hit the fan
>at some point.
It /is/ going to hit the fan, although your reasoning as to the
greater divide of rich and poor is questionable.
It takes a lot more than just education to produce intelligent and
productive people. There's no shortage of highly educated people
without an ounce of common sense to their name, or have the ability to
think outside the box, so to speak.
I see your point, but ultimately I realise that the number one problem
facing our planet (and ourselves) is overpopulation. Almost every
serious problem the world faces stems from it. The last thing we need
to do is encourage people to have more kids.
Imagine for one moment - suddenly the world has a 100% clean and
unlimited energy source. Unlimited clean and healthy food. No more
war/conflicts. All freely available to everyone in the world. Problems
solved? Not at all... all it would do is buy us some time as the
population continues to increase. At some point, we're going to be
forced, one way or the other, to radically reduce our world
population. Whether we do it ourselves through good planning, war,
man-made viruses, or nature does it for us, it will happen.
Personally, I'd like to deal with it as soon as possible.
But the world isn't at all ready for that, most everybody seems to
think they're entitled to be irrational and irresponsible and churn
out more people.