Thread: ping: dsi1
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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default ping: dsi1

On 8/7/2014 9:29 AM, sf wrote:
> Batten down the hatches, I see hurricanes are headed for Hawaii! Hope
> you and yours weather the storms well!

I'm not too worried. I suspect that the giant monkey pod tree next to
the parking lot at work might fall. Now that would be something! It
belongs mostly to the public elementary school next door. They've been
meaning to do something about it and now it's too late. The roots are
partially exposed on one side.

Hopefully, if it does go, it'll fall into the parking lot. Hopefully it
won't rupture that big propane tank next to my office. If it does, I
sure hope it's empty! Finally, we get some excitement in this boring
place. :-)