"sf" > wrote in message
> On Thu, 07 Aug 2014 09:10:28 +1000, Jeßus > wrote:
>> I realise that the number one problem
>> facing our planet (and ourselves) is overpopulation. Almost every
>> serious problem the world faces stems from it.
> You can thank a *lack* of education (the knowledge of basic science
> and the ability to prevent childbirth) and OBTW, the Catholic Church
> has a lot to do with it too. Italians are fighting back by not
> marrying.
I know that I married a Catholic but the more I learn about the Catholic
church, the more I seriously dislike them. I've read several books now
about the situation of unmarried pregnant girls/women back in the 1970's and
prior. It was not a good situation at all. Many of them were raped by
Catholics priests and that's how they got pregnant to begin with! And none
were allowed to keep their babies. Some did manage to escape to England
where they may or may not have fared better.
Also at that point in time, the Catholic church pretty much controlled all
that went on in Ireland in those days. Homeless children or those whose
parents could not take care of them were raised by the church and the people
who ran those orphanages has some seriously bad issues. Sickening stuff.
> Ebola is taking lives in some parts where the lack of knowledge about
> pregnancy prevention contributes to the population expansion, but
> that's the way it is when a society is that uneducated. They
> reproduce in large numbers and die from preventable diseases in large
> numbers too.
Yep. My high school science teacher always urged us not to make a bad
situation worse by offering aid to situations like that. He said that while
it sounds harsh, if they are starving, it is not likely they can reproduce.
But if they are well fed, they may well reproduce. And with no means to
better their situation, the "help" is only making more and more people and
compounding the problem.
> Soon, the USA will be that way too. We are rapidly sinking into Third
> World status. In fact, we're sinking below third word thanks to all
> the people (who elect politicians) who think the earth is only 6000
> years old, the climate change deniers and those who think we should
> keep fracking or using GMO's so we can continue with stronger and
> stronger pesticides and week killers (because Mother Nature responds
> to them so quickly).
Well, it isn't good at any rate.