"sf" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 9 Aug 2014 11:01:08 -0700, "Paul M. Cook" >
> wrote:
>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > On 2014-08-08 12:16 PM, ImStillMags wrote:
>> >> When are we going to stop allowing these mining, oil and gas
>> >> companies to rape the land and leave their shit behind to foul the
>> >> environment. When are we going to get serious about something other
>> >> than fossil fuels for energy?
>> >
>> > You travel everywhere by bicycle and stopped heating your house?
>> How about regulating the extraction of this stuff so massive
>> environmental
>> devastation doesn't happen? Prevention is far cheaper than a clean up.
>> The
>> whole point is that big energy is being allowed to run rampant with lax
>> regulation. How many more Gulf oil spills can we endure. How many more
>> billion gallon sludge ponds wiping out entire towns do we endure? How
>> many
>> more Exxon Valdez's before we make these companies follow strict rules
>> and
>> force them to pay for every single cent of cleaning up their mess after
>> those responsible are imprisoned.
> The media should start publicizing these things more widely and
> continuously so people start understanding that their particular
> incident isn't an isolated one. I didn't even know about the Fraser
> River fishery disaster in the making until ImStillMags posted about
> it.
Not to mention a gold mine which will mwipe out another fishery and destroy
a huge chunk of the coastal ecosystem. I always knew Canada had a crappy
environmental record but it seems they have gotten much worse.
> --
> Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to
> hold them.
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