Thread: Salmon disaster
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Salmon disaster

On Sat, 9 Aug 2014 08:54:10 -0700 (PDT), Hypatia Nachshon
> wrote:

>On Saturday, August 9, 2014 8:41:43 AM UTC-7, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> On Sat, 9 Aug 2014 06:59:46 -0700 (PDT), ImStillMags
>> > wrote:
>> >On Saturday, August 9, 2014 5:27:22 AM UTC-7, Dave Smith wrote:

>> >> On 2014-08-08 12:16 PM, ImStillMags wrote:

>> >>

>> >> > When are we going to stop allowing these mining, oil and gas companies to rape the land and leave their shit behind to foul the environment. When are we going to get serious about something other than fossil fuels for energy?

>> >> You travel everywhere by bicycle and stopped heating your house?

>> >

>> >There are alternatives to fossil fuels. Many of them. We just need to do it.


>> Many of the apparently innocent alternatives are far worse... don't
>> ask for what you don't want to get.

>That's a challenging statement, which is worth examining. Often it depends on whose ox is gored.For example an offshore wind farm being opposed by rich residents because they say it would spoil their view. (Yes, it happened!)
>The law of unintended consequences has not been repealed (G> as far as I know.
>It behooves our elected representatives and certainly the companies that would seek to benefit from Technology X to weigh the cost-benefit ratio ETHICALLY and share results TRANSPARENTLY with the people.
>That said, rather than deal in generalities, you could help us by listing some of the alternative technologies which you believe would be "far worse" and why that would be.

Wind farms are prohitively expensive to build and maintain and they
have a relatively short lifespan plus the wind ain't always blowing or
blowing at enough velosity to produce more than a trickle charge.

Solar panels actually pollute to manufacture, requires much fossil
fuels to create all those plastics, need thousands of large units to
power a tiny village and solar panels also have a relatively short
lifespan, and they don't do diddly at night or on cloudy, rainy, snowy
days, yet the plastic still outgasses and deteriorates.

I worked for a National Laboratory that is still doing major research
in alternatives but we're not there, not even close. The most
promising research is in better electrical transmission, not

Hate to bust yer bubble but we're pretty much stuck on this planet of
finite resources... best hope we have on this cosmic rock is to
conserve what exists and the best way (likely the only way) is with
less population... this planet is way over crowded. Since people
aren't prone to curtail their fanatical propensity to reproduce (there
are way too many cockaroaches) the only prayer we have are more wars,
more violent wars, and/or more efficient plagues. Half the US
population is on the dole, they contribute zip, they're very
expendable. A nuclear war and ebola can be this planet's salvation.
At the very least cease and desist from feeding the cockaroaches. I
look at the news regarding the middle east and all I see are over
active gonads. Humans are really no different from the feral beasts,
they are all competing for resources... when there isn't enough to
feed the population it's kill or be killed, survival of the fittist.
Were it me I'd nuke the terrorists, collateral damage be damned. When
was the last time you ate food or used anything other than mind
altering drugs produced in Iraq and Afghanistan... I rest my case. I
woulda had them nuked years ago, after all what they're about is
absolutely no different from what the japs were about attacking
Hawaii. All religion is the worst scourge, it teaches not to curtail
reproduction... every religion is competing to out populate another...
the most misery on this planet is attributal to religion... the mere
mention of god, any god, needs to be punishable by death, instant
death, no trial, no nothing... without god there'd finally be peace on
planet Earth.