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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default Who makes the good glass cooktops?

On 8/7/2014 6:01 PM, sf wrote:
> On Thu, 07 Aug 2014 18:57:44 -0300, wrote:
>> I own a condo and although the furnaces for heating have been
>> converted, the option to cook with it is not available. I do own my
>> condo which is my home, but gas for cooking is not available.

> I'm pretty sure it would be if the homeowners were willing to pony up
> the money to have the building retrofitted for gas. The problem is
> that it would cost a boatload of money and be messy during the
> process.

You're pretty much stuck with whatever is installed in your house. I
find gas is pretty unpleasant to use in this tropical setting. The main
advantage with gas is that it's dirt cheap and you're going to pay about
a third less for gas vs electric on your utility bill. When we replaced
the gas range in my in-law's condo, I told my son to pick out the
highest output range he could find. When I checked out the installed
stove, it was better than the old one but still kind of wimpy. That's
the brakes.

My guess is that induction ranges will be the standard range of the
future because of it's efficiency. All that needs to happen is the price
to drop down 50%. If you're getting a range for a scatterbrain cook that
tends to start grease fires, and induction range should be your first
choice because of it's inherent safety.