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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default Who makes the good glass cooktops?

On 8/9/2014 12:17 PM, wrote:
> On Sat, 09 Aug 2014 10:47:28 -1000, dsi1
> > wrote:
>> On 8/7/2014 6:01 PM, sf wrote:
>>> On Thu, 07 Aug 2014 18:57:44 -0300,
>>>> I own a condo and although the furnaces for heating have been
>>>> converted, the option to cook with it is not available. I do own my
>>>> condo which is my home, but gas for cooking is not available.
>>> I'm pretty sure it would be if the homeowners were willing to pony up
>>> the money to have the building retrofitted for gas. The problem is
>>> that it would cost a boatload of money and be messy during the
>>> process.

>> You're pretty much stuck with whatever is installed in your house. I
>> find gas is pretty unpleasant to use in this tropical setting. The main
>> advantage with gas is that it's dirt cheap and you're going to pay about
>> a third less for gas vs electric on your utility bill. When we replaced
>> the gas range in my in-law's condo, I told my son to pick out the
>> highest output range he could find. When I checked out the installed
>> stove, it was better than the old one but still kind of wimpy. That's
>> the brakes.
>> My guess is that induction ranges will be the standard range of the
>> future because of it's efficiency. All that needs to happen is the price
>> to drop down 50%. If you're getting a range for a scatterbrain cook that
>> tends to start grease fires, and induction range should be your first
>> choice because of it's inherent safety.

> Money doesn't really enter the picture - my power bill is about $30
> per month - which seems not unreasonable to me.

It's quite reasonable. Our electric bill is easily 4 or 5 times that.

> The cost to run gas to my unit would be more than I can ever save in
> my lifetime, plus I doubt that it would be allowed. If it had to come
> from the furnace room it would have to come through three thick
> concrete floors before it even arrived here, $$$$s.

I fully understand your position. We really don't have a choice in these