Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Jul 2014 00:29:43 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 7/18/2014 1:40 PM, Gary wrote:
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>>>> Sorry to hear the sad news. You need to get a new cat as soon as
>>>>>> possible, preferably two or more kittens from the same litter, there
>>>>>> are plenty to adopt.
>>>>> You are callous ! Most people cannot shrug off a beloved pet like
>>>>> that - as I have endlessly said, I feel so sympathetic for your wife.
>>>>> Will you replace her like that ?
>>>> Not callous at all. Lose a beloved pet? Get a new one pronto and make
>>>> their life a better one. No need to sit in the house crying about a
>>>> loss and staying sad.
>>> It depends on the person. It might be fine for some people to rush out
>>> and bring home another pet. Others need time to process. Until Persia
>>> barged into my life after my dog of 18 years died, I *never* planned to
>>> get another pet. She pretty much insisted, though. 
>>> Then too, you never know if there are circumstances that might prevent
>>> someone from getting another pet. Finances, health issues, etc. When
>>> the time is right, someone who wants another pet will adopt one. Or be
>>> adopted by one.
>> Age is one of those et ceteras I think.
> True. I have neighbors who lost their dog of 18 years last winter,
> they are at a loss deciding to get another dog because they are 75
> years old. I had to make the same decision adopting the two barn
> kittens, but I know my grands would take them. My other four are over
> 12 years old. I informed my neighbors that there are plenty of older
> dogs that need homes, they're still contemplating but I don't bring up
> the subject anymore. Having the kittens is good for my older cats,
> keeps them active and alert, the Vet agreed it was a good thing. They
> keep me more alert and active too... having only older cats it's easy
> to forget what a bundle of energy a kitten is. I've always
> recommended people to get at least two cats, all have thanked me and
> said I was right. There's really no more effort in caring for two as
> one, and in fact it's easier, they entertain each other constantly so
> you don't have to... they also become much more socialized than a
> loner cat. And with more than one you never need to feel guilty about
> not letting them out, they have each others company and they don't
> need to go out for cat company. Cats are really very social animals,
> morso than dogs. I think cats are also smarter, dogs need to be
> trained, cats are borne knowing... I've never needed to house break a
> cat... even the barn cats use the litter box I put there. Cats keep
> themselves scrupulously clean because they are hunters so don't want
> to have a scent, also as a defence against preditors locating them
I agree. I am thinking that eventually, it will be two cats. Cats with
known personalities who are at least past that rambunctious stage.
Maybe 5-ish years old. I'd rather not have cats that would end up
traumatized if something happened to me, not that one can predict when
any such thing might happen.