Oops Not Cooking
On 8/10/2014 1:23 AM, Jean B. wrote:
> Put like that, it does sound like the person who said that thought that
> dogs were totally replaceable. That was a very hurtful thing for the
> person to say.
I have come across people like that, they are puzzled why you
are upset about losing your pet. For instance, I lost my first
cat, Scotty, and a week later his twin was walking around the
grassy area outside my office building. A few of us were
looking at it and I got a little choked up. One woman said ...
over a CAT??? Yes. Over a cat. Jerk.
I have heard of people telling someone who lost a child that
they could just have another one. Yowsa. So you know if it's
a dog or a cat, there are those who won't understand.
> I still have no idea what my life is going to settle
> into, so I need to hold off for at least a while. I just do recall that
> when I have seen cats who are up for adoption, I am always sorely
> tempted to get more than one of them.
Every year we go to a particular cat show and it's paired with an
adoption event. That's where I got my cat. There were a few
cages where they have a sign, these cats need to be adopted
together. I think they must come from the same home. It would
be easy to find two older cats who get along just fine.