Thread: Not Cooking
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Oops Not Cooking

Nancy Young wrote:
> I have heard of people telling someone who lost a child that
> they could just have another one. Yowsa. So you know if it's
> a dog or a cat, there are those who won't understand.

Wow, that's cold. Losing a child certainly has to be the worst thing
of all.
That said, I've grieved over my pets more than any friend or distant
relative that has died. Your pets are with you on a daily basis. They
are part of your family and are your close little friends. When one of
them dies, your home all of the sudden seems very empty and cold.

If you love a pet around, I do suggest adopting another fairly soon.
It will never replace your beloved one but a new one can bring joy
back into your home. Save a living one from a bad life and give it a
nice loving home. Maybe save it's life too....some shelters have a
time limit for adoption and then euthanize them eventually.

IMO, the best way to honor the memory of a departed one is to offer a
new good life to another animal that's in need. There are plenty of
those waiting and hoping.
