On 8/10/2014 11:29 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
> On 8/10/2014 11:50 AM, Janet wrote:
>> In article >,
>> says...
>>> So you're not like this woman I once worked with, she had
>>> tons of expensive jewelry, huge diamonds ... and insists she
>>> will be buried with it all. Leave it to her daughters? Nope,
>>> buried with it.
>> She'd be lucky. My bet is the daughters are already collecting a
>> stash of cheap bling ready for the coffin... and if they don't make the
>> swap I bet the undertakers will :-)
> My thoughts exactly. Just as well, let someone somewhere enjoy
> the stuff instead of being in the ground.
> I know, it's hers to do with as she pleased.
> nancy
It still has to be inventoried for death taxes, even if she is buried
with it.
I once had an estate where this elderly couple who owned a small farm
hit a lottery. The still lived simply. I think the only thing she
bought herself was a fur coat, which we inventoried and appraised.
She died and we had to value the estate. The IRS came back later to
audit. The agent insisted she had to have had more jewelry than was
inventoried. I told him that I believed she might have been buried with
her plain gold wedding band, but I was not sure as one never surfaced.
I also reminded him that, if he exhumed her body to value the ring, we
could deduct that cost from the tax due as an expense of the state.
Watched him back off really fast. I just loved beating the crap out of
the IRS.
From somewhere very deep in the heart of Texas